Yep, this happened. Refer back to Towers of Power Ft. T-Mobile. To recap: This is the fruits of my father’s effort, and the fruits of mine were getting our signals refreshed to the tower and reestablishing connectivity. That's part of the reason I'm even posting this, because there's no cost to actually use our T-Mo hotspot on our phones. It's pretty fast!
I'm not a shill, I swear.
This is a 4G LTE signal booster. There are two pieces - a Window Unit, and a Coverage Unit.
It comes with a few instruction booklets. I notice once says “You must register your device with your wireless provider and have your provider’s consent.”
Well, they sent it to me. I hope they know I have it. My first thought was actually “I haven’t had Xfinity for three weeks, how am I supposed to do that?” Before I remember context clues.
There are two pieces of paper. One is the start guide, I won't bother photographing it because that's what this post is for!
The other is this yellow page;
“We sent this to your house. If this isn’t the house you’re using it at, or you move, tell us so we can adjust the settings.”
It’s basically a range extender. So, where is the best place for it to be? First, let me explain the layout of our home
Omitted for security.
So this house is very large. That’s what you get when you live in the middle of nowhere.
There are cable connectors in every room except the office, bathrooms, and kitchens, and as we went from AT&T’s telephone line to Xfinity using cable for our internet, we had to find the only cable port that was unused - The one in my room, because I don’t have a television there. Just doing my part to kill the cable industry.
The signal doesn’t reach to the front of the house with the PC and other laptops, so we got an extender and now it does, and all of that to say - This is an extender for a cell signal.
Back to the quick start guide; There’s tiny text that says “You have to return this if you terminate your service."
The window unit;
Note the “Uh, this might mess up or give inaccurate information to 911 if you call while in use.” label.
Step one; Find the location with the most bars.
After walking around my house, such options include
- The middle of the hallway not near any windows.
- A place nowhere near any power outlets,
- A spot in the kitchen also not near any windows.
Both boxes came with these stands, as well as power cables. I couldn't figure out how to get this on until I saw a bag of screws. Then I still couldn't.
Higher numbers indicate the house is bigger. Smaller domiciles would have smaller numbers.
As the signal was already fairly good after the towers and our connection was reset, When this entire debacle is over, I'm just going to pack it up and send it back, or maybe just hang onto it for when we get our next house.
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