The video is really a Creative Agency webpage, but I followed along and repurposed it for my own ends. I got this out during the time of the #CloudResumeChallenge on LI! The parameters for the challenge are here . I found this page after I created the site. Hey, still learned something. Isn't the entire point of tech thinking outside the box and figuring stuff out anyway? Technologies used : Azure, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GitHub, Deployment Tokens, Twitter, Canva, Talking to People Resources : Tyler Potts' Creative Agency webpage with edits to make it an online portfolio - resume. Why Make a Landing Site? It's a brief site where a potential client or employer can quickly get the idea of what I do. You see it, and it's less overwhelming than a LinkedIn profile, or a blog with long posts. I had a similar site made in Webflow, and a links landing page made in Canva. Fine options, however - - I couldn't get the Webflow elements lined up properly - An issue you'll ...