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Showing posts with the label HTML

Playing with HTML5

 This is me going "Hey, let's open up VS Code and just mess around." Here is the website for this project.   Let's look at what I did !  

Using Azure Web Apps to Host a Landing Site (#CloudGuruChallenge)

The video is really a Creative Agency webpage, but I followed along and repurposed it for my own ends. I got this out during the time of the #CloudResumeChallenge on LI! The parameters for the challenge are here . I found this page after I created the site. Hey, still learned something. Isn't the entire point of tech thinking outside the box and figuring stuff out anyway? Technologies used : Azure, HTML, CSS, Javascript, GitHub, Deployment Tokens, Twitter, Canva, Talking to People Resources : Tyler Potts' Creative Agency webpage with edits to make it an online portfolio - resume. Why Make a Landing Site? It's a brief site where a potential client or employer can quickly get the idea of what I do. You see it, and it's less overwhelming than a LinkedIn profile, or a blog with long posts. I had a similar site made in Webflow, and a links landing page made in Canva. Fine options, however -  - I couldn't get the Webflow elements lined up properly - An issue you'll ...

The Many Forms of An Image Gallery, ft HTML, CSS, and Sass

Going from v.1 to the completed v.3 I collect Disney mugs (and some non Disney ones). One from every Canon film . I want to put all (35? 37?) in a grid.  Much of the base code for V1. came from the CSS Grid page here , at W3 Schools. Version 1 I wanted to have more than 3 entries per row. I thought sticking a new grid container (grid-cont) would fix that problem.