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Showing posts with the label Google

A look at Google Colaboratory (While Building a Stock Portfolio)

    After the group effort heard 'round the world in 2021, stocks are on everyone's minds. I didn't have money in GameStop, but I did have money in AMC from 2020. I bought it right as most theaters were closing from the Coronavirus pandemic and it was extremely cheap.   Why? I like the moviegoing experience! As of March 6th 2021, many AMC Theaters in New York City and State are reopening at 25% capacity. I'm still holding onto the stock - It never rose as high as GameStop's - but you won't see me at any theaters so soon. Onto today's topic: Google Colaboratory is a cool tool, allowing you to run Python scripts right in the browser.  You can even install things into the environment! Is it a little container environment running my program? 

Creating with Glide - The App Creator in Google Sheets

 From I stan the Google office suite. Specifically Docs - I have been using the SaaS for 10 years to write and rewrite resumes and save internet comments. In 2020, I came across Glide - Where I could make an app using Google Sheets.

Just Like Cheese, Your Chromebook can Expire [The Register]

Article here - If you don't subscribe to The Register, do so. They're funny. Everything stops receiving updates eventually. Understandable. Google offers 6.5 years of updates for devices. However, those years of updates start from when the product was originally released. I've dealt with products like that before. Is there a real suggestion for how to release updates in a way considered 'fair' - We could be like Microsoft, and release updates and patches for 10+ years until even they say "Hey, you really need to stop using XP."

New Lap(top) City

I picked up a ACER C720 GOOGLE CHROMEBOOK NOTEBOOK LAPTOP 11.6-INCH LED 4GB RAM 16GB SSD Used, Like new, for my mother, for about 68$. If nothing ill happens in the meantime, I'll edit this to include the seller information. I also picked up a new laptop for myself, which you'll see. The stats, especially the SSD, are clearly for the 'I just need to surf the net but a phone is too small, and a tablet is input-unfriendly'. It's rather phone-like that way, though, for example, the Samsung Galaxy S5 has 2 GB of RAM, and the storage is the same for the cheapest model of S5.

Log Into Your Friend's Wi-Fi Network with a QR Code, Thanks Android Q [CNET]

Spoilers: You'll need a Pixel to run either Beta version of Q. So, I can't test it unless someone out there has an awesome hardware emulator. Article For those people who have "guests" at their home, instead of fiddling with nonsense, tell them to scan a QR code. You might also have to explain what that is and how it works, but with Lens, it looks far easier. You can read about how to generate the code at the article. I'm here to talk about actually scanning it.