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Showing posts with the label infrastructure

Securing Terraform and You Part 1 -- rego, Tfsec, and Terrascan

9/20: The open source version of Terraform is now  OpenTofu     Sometimes, I write articles even when things don't work. It's about showing a learning process.  Using IaC means consistency, and one thing you don't want to do is have 5 open S3 buckets on AWS that anyone on the internet can reach.  That's where tools such as Terrascan and Tfsec come in, where we can make our own policies and rules to be checked against our code before we init.  As this was contract work, I can't show you the exact code used, but I can tell you that this blog post by Cesar Rodriguez of Cloud Security Musings was quite helpful, as well as this one by Chris Ayers . The issue is using Rego; I found a cool VS Code Extension; Terrascan Rego Editor , as well as several courses on Styra Academy; Policy Authoring and Policy Essentials . The big issue was figuring out how to tell Terrascan to follow a certain policy; I made it, put it in a directory, and ran the program while in that ...

Hey, Internet, Show Me the Dark Fibre

I am doing a Pluralsight course - Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks: WAN for Enterprise Networks - and it mentioned a little something called Dark Fibre. That's a new term for me, and maybe for you as well. Let's research it. Dark Fibre is a bit of unused optical fiber. One can make a private fiber network with this, as it sounds like the dedicated telephone lines that companies can buy to connect sites that are miles apart. It has great potential for capacity . There seem to be many unused fiber cables out there, buried underground, as telecom companies apparently bought too much.  They may not sit unused for long, however, as with increased internet demand these days, content creators are demanding it.