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 Do we call this month FebruAIry? No, we can workshop that. Heyday is - according to their website - Heyday is an AI copilot that transforms your documents, notes, and conversations into quotes, shareable content, and a queryable database. Simplified, it takes your notes - and your browsing history, if you choose - to make a searchable DB to sift through things. You, in theory, can add information from the pages your on if you so choose. It does cost money, but there is a 14-day free trial currently, and it's on Product Hunt as of Feb. 9th 2024. They are still working on correcting the bugs, so here are initial findings and thoughts. After installing the Firefox Extension, the Explore Tab basically has sorted my history. It's fine. Asking the Assistant about trends in my video watching history (because the tab also has that! There's a nice header and everything), didn't give me anything about what I watched. Searching a video creator I know I watched in the search bar...

Book: What Is AI by Mike Loukides and Ben Lorica

  I can open any email in 2024 and have it mention AI. Today, I've opened one from NameCheap and every bit of copy is mentioning some other AI ('clever captions'...captions should be understandable first and foremost) . I'm not in the business of being against AI, more so against companies who use it as an excuse to cut staff and leave users with an inferior product. Less people being paid means less money you get as a company. Keep that in mind.  The book released in 2016, but the foundations haven't changed. Quotes from the book are italicized, and my comments follow.