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Showing posts with the label Server 2016

Server 2016: Role Tide (Or; Exporting Server Roles to A New Server)

You don’t want to “upgrade” a server. Everything’s got history, you, me, and technology, despite companies’ best attempts to even physically scrub encoded data off of machines. And maybe it’s not compatible with the older hardware. So, here’s role migration — Role onto a new server, with all the configuration of the old one.

Server 2016: Networking Your Virtual Machine (Text)

We're going to get started with how the VM interacts with the host in various forms. Today's Glossary Guarded Fabric protect a VM from a compromised host. Nesting is a Hyper-V inside of a Hyper-V Virtual Machine TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Chip stores authentication artifacts (See Secure Boot and UEFI) Secure Boot stops authorized code from running (See UEFI) UEFI (Finally) - Unified Extensible Firmware (S2016 uses 2.3.1 Errata C) - digitally signed and validated bootloader bootmgfw.efi

Server 2016: Your Network And You

In the Network Connections wndow, if you hit ALT, you open up some old school menus. Hit Advanced, then Advanced Settings to see ao see a list of providers. Would you like your network to be more prominently used, or the Remote Desktop option? (This used to show prioritizing protocols, obsolete now, removed in 2012 edition) You can also check the priority of Network Settings in the command line (CMD), with netstat -rn .

Server 2016: Multi Interfaces Per NIC (Short); Docker For Windows Server (Longer)

Adding more than one IP address to an interface, just incase said interface is being woefully underused. This is a good way to use avaliable resources. The primary interface is Ethernet, with an Index of 2. There's no need to set the gateway, as these are all in the same subnet. There's also no Windows-Imposed limit. Your only limit is your imagination (and hardware). Although I can add IP addresses, they want me to set up the Server properly before I can finangle with NIC teaming. There are two starter users; Rosanta Galamad and Juke Morrow. The latter is an Administrator. The folder added is a gussied-up test folder. Meanwhile, I pop ahead in the textbook (MSCA 70-740 Cert Guide) to see - A Docker chapter! We can do that! (If we get the internet working properly in the server - What happened?) But we can install it on our host machine. Why not?

Server 2016: Oddly Miscellaneous Setup Activity

Following this LinkedIn Learning Video (And a book) - Welcome! Had to adjust the Memory, even though the recommended is 12GB, I could only manage about … 3. We’ll see what happens. Consider Server Tools if you attach another computer in the same domain name (For Win. 10) We set up, check some things - IP addresses, how the adapter works. Be mindful of your timezones. This was set to Pacific Time, when I’m in Central. We don’t want our Server to get an IP Address from DNS - It’s a resource, not a client. The author’s IP information is different from mine, they’ve received theirs from somewhere else, I simply ran ipconfig in the Command Line. (Just in case we should reference, theirs is in the Initial Configuration video). Now, his DNS server (preferred) is in the same subnet as the ip address of his machine.

Server 2016: Permissions (Text)

Permissions are not local, but based upon network access. Basic: Read, Read/Write Advance: Full Control, Change, Read NTFS Full Control Modify Read & Execute Read Write Traverse/Execute List/Read Attributes Create Files/Write Data Append Data Write Attributes (Extended) Delete      ↪ Subfolders      ↪ Files Read/Change Permissions. Now; Permissions in Pictures;