We're going to get started with how the VM interacts with the host in various forms.

Virtual : Net Adaptor
External VS (Virtual Switch)
* Connects to a wired physical network through a physical adaptor.
VM (Virtual Machine) Network only with host that has a virtual switch. It's the communication path between the host and VM (What I use on VMware.
Connected to network, only used by virtual machines using host with a virtual switch.
Host =/= Virtual Machine networking.
Basics of Securing Your Hyper-V
Limit host use.
Update soft/hardware
Be mindful of remote management
Check permissions.
Server Consolidation is an inventory of Linux and Windows Servers
Stateless: After initial provisioning, no unique information is written to the HD, but can be to a Database.
Stateful writes to both an HD and outside storage.
When planning a server setup, consider the Host the Virtual Server will reside on.
Write to offline image of a Wim or VHD File
---> CMD
1. /get-imageinfo
2. mount image (dism mount-wim /wimfile:<file> index:<index> /mountdir:<mountdir>
3. List all features
4. Enable Features
Today's Glossary
Guarded Fabric protect a VM from a compromised host.
Nesting is a Hyper-V inside of a Hyper-V Virtual Machine
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Chip stores authentication artifacts (See Secure Boot and UEFI)
Secure Boot stops authorized code from running (See UEFI)
UEFI (Finally) - Unified Extensible Firmware (S2016 uses 2.3.1 Errata C) - digitally signed and validated bootloader
Virtual : Net Adaptor
External VS (Virtual Switch)
* Connects to a wired physical network through a physical adaptor.
VM (Virtual Machine) Network only with host that has a virtual switch. It's the communication path between the host and VM (What I use on VMware.
Connected to network, only used by virtual machines using host with a virtual switch.
Host =/= Virtual Machine networking.
Basics of Securing Your Hyper-V
Limit host use.
Update soft/hardware
Be mindful of remote management
Check permissions.
Server Consolidation is an inventory of Linux and Windows Servers
Stateless: After initial provisioning, no unique information is written to the HD, but can be to a Database.
Stateful writes to both an HD and outside storage.
When planning a server setup, consider the Host the Virtual Server will reside on.
Write to offline image of a Wim or VHD File
---> CMD
1. /get-imageinfo
2. mount image (dism mount-wim /wimfile:<file> index:<index> /mountdir:<mountdir>
3. List all features
4. Enable Features
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