In the Network Connections wndow, if you hit ALT, you open up some old school menus.
Hit Advanced, then Advanced Settings to see ao see a list of providers. Would you like your network to be more prominently used, or the Remote Desktop option?
(This used to show prioritizing protocols, obsolete now, removed in 2012 edition)
You can also check the priority of Network Settings in the command line (CMD), with netstat -rn.
Allow your server to scan the network for resources and to be found by those looking in Advanced Sharing;
Our NIC in theory has an outside (to the big internet) and inside (Our Own Private Network) facing interface.
For the outside web server (Not us, but it's in the video and good knowledge!), we close ourselves off to file sharing.
For the inside file server, we show ourselves.
Hit apply for the appropriate port changes to be made to Windows Firewall.
Putting a computer into a domain. You will need;
- Computer that wants to job. (Name: West)
- Domain name (Name:
- U/N and P/W w/ Admin Access to domain.
And the following command;
netdom join West / /userD:RGala /PasswordD: ******
The Ds after User and Password mean Domain, RGala is the username for Rosanta Galamad.
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