Welcome! I've taken my progress from Building an Ubuntu Server from a private Google Doc (It's not helping me there) to here, where people can read it. This is the first three parts culminated into one, we'll update ... updates separately later.
I used Linux systems quite a lot in college, and need a refresher.
We’re using 16.04.4 (Xenial Xerus), no GUI, terminal only. It’s on my Virtual Box.
So far, I've learned;
- Turned on the firewall with ufw and allow 22/tftp for SSH connections
(We should see if we can connect it to local storage)
Voltagrim (my 2TB external HD) is exFat, so it works on both my Mac and Windows 10 Machine, but it doesn’t show up on my X2 machine. Have to work on that.
The video in the course (“building an Ubuntu Home Server”) says I should be using the UUID of /dev/sdb1, but that doesn’t show up for me, so I’m just going to use /dev/sda1.
It’s all a learning experience, right? Let’s see what happens!
But I still take a snapshot before I make my changes.
Good thing too, because I’ve forgotten what the file system was for sda1 and just followed the video. And it didn’t work. Luckily I can go back to an old snapshot!
For today, July 15th, boot up, I do get this message.
So Voltagrim, my external harddrive mattered….somewhere within this machine. Nice.
I’m making a directory to host (ideally) a media server.
with the mkdir /mnt/storage/shared command, the parent directories don’t exist, so I have to tell the machine to make those directories too with the -p command. Thanks, LinuxQuestions forum!
Open permissions - chmod 777
and sudo apt install samba
Then open the samba config file and go to share definitions
permission settings
read = 4
write = 2
execute = 1
= 7!
(the 0 is a placeholder)
save - [esc] :wq
testparm sees if you made any errors the machine would recognize. If you spelled something wrong, well, too bad for you.
I make another user to give permissions and passwords to;
and allow connectivity through the Firewall with
sudo ufw allow 139/tcp (Netbios)
sudo ufw allow 445/tcp (MS networking w/ Netbios)
I'm still working on having the VM recognized by everyone else (As it's being hosted on my Mac machine), but that's the gist of it for now.
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