It is my dream to have a 'working relationship' with companies and tell them "This is great, I especially like x,y, and z." or "Err on the side of caution when doing this - It could be misinterpreted."
So when a certain company said "Do that, for us, for a few days." I said "Happy to help."
"And we'll pay you!"
"Even happier to help!"
I will not give specifics on information gathered and shared beyond "habits", as I signed a contract.
And when I sign a contract, I consider this contract work. So I will absolutely drop in conversation, "Hey, I consulted for ... someone I can't say... for 🌟10 Days🌟!"
This is about my experience - And I'm happy to say it was pleasant.
Here's a story about them that has nothing to do with the study, but this post should be a little longer.
Like many, my e-mail account was part of a breach. Again. Also, like many, I use the same e-mail for various services. I log into this service on multiple devices.
During the latest breach my e-mail was part of (that was rumored to have taken place in around late 2017 and just announced), I found my account compromised.
Luckily, I haven't used the upper tier features for a few years. I had since removed my cards.
Still...someone in a region of the world was in my account, and that's no good. As of Summer 2020 the service has returned to several of those countries, so I hope the person got their own account soon.*
*I know someone probably paid 5 Bitcoin for a list of e-mail addresses, created a script to insert them + passwords into a login screen. The real lesson is; Get a password manager to manage complicated passwords - Which I have.
Or it's totally possible they were using a VPN.
I e-mailed the company support and quickly got a genuine response, asking for devices I use, location, and other data about habits. Within 1 hour, my account was restored to me, password reset.
Easily the quickest a problem has been resolved through any medium.
Reputable companies who are hiring for similar roles are free to ask for more details.
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