I play video games, like Hiberworld, but I have never played Roblox. Besides the fact that it's exploiting kids to make games for them and giving them a minuscule amount of money and had an outage that they wrote a very good post-mortem for.
Apparently, it was in beta in 2004, when I was 12, and fully released 2 years later. Theoretically, there are people my age who probably have been playing this game for 15 years. That's amazing!
I play Splatoon, Fortnite, quite a few remakes of older games (Let's be honest, Sonic Mania was a remake). What new games should I be playing? I don't like taking risks on things that are 60$ (or broken upon release, hello Pokemon Gen 9. Which is such a pity, because Gen 9 looks like the best Pokemon story since Gen 2! But it's broken! But I digress.). I played Zelda for the first time at 30 with Breath of the Wild.
I used this guide: Really straightforward and personable fellow.
Roblox uses Lua in conjunction with a drag and drop editor, which is a language I've never heard of until right now.
I did this on a new MacBook Pro 2019 (Thank you - You know who you are!) because my 2019 Lenovo would probably combust if I tried. I signed up under the username gazelectric (if you know the reference, well, we're both just huge nerds, aren't we?)
[April 2024 Update: That MacBook Pro died. In like December 2023. I apparently did not take screen shots of my Roblox game. Even the logic board doesn't seem to work.]
Interesting bits;
task.wait(x) - Where x is the amount of seconds something waits until it happens, for example, you can make it rain bricks, but if you use the task.wait(5) function, it waits for 5 seconds before showering you.
Anchored parts are not affected (or don't fall through space) -- the physics engine allows it to be static. Part of my water walkways are anchored in the air!
Brick (or, part) color values go from "[color]" to "really [color]" -- My blue parts are 'Really Lapis". There are also effects, like the glowing ball -- a ball which you can push, and just never stops until it runs into something. Unstoppable force meets immovable object and all that.
I wanted to make the moving ball into a killzone, something that would automatically kill the player character, but without hacking, I'm not sure it's possible. Which is fine, after all, how would you push it so it moved if it was automatically a kill zone? Unless you put the task.wait() function in front. You have 20 seconds to push it in a walled space. After that time, it turns into a rolling death ball!
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