——— Day 10: Press Shift to Pay Respects ==> Github
All boxes checked between the first and last box you’ve checked, nice.
listen for checkbox activity
(input type - checkbox)
eventlistener for a click (or keyboard ‘click’)
put the first check into a variable. (as let, it’s reassigned constantly)
see if shift key is down.
and if key is down and box is checked, have a blast, do what you want.
“Is the checkbox equal to the one being checked”?
——— Day 12 Code-Nami Press ===> GitHub
An event listener per key (window.addEventListener(‘keyup’,(e) => {
is essentially a very basic keylogger, provided you have access to the victim’s console.
press.push(e.key) actually puts it into the pressed array.
If you put in the proper code, the unicorns pop up. I’d change it, but I like unicorns.
------ Day 14: Copy and Ref ------
Reference vs. Copy
“It’s fundamental to how JS works!” (Tell me if I’ve gotten something mixed up here)
Consider when variables are defined;
let name = ‘Morgan’;
let name2 = name;
console.log(name, name2) = Morgan Morgan
name = ‘Eden’;
console.log(name, name2) = Morgan Eden
consider arrays;
const royals = [‘Elin’, ‘Karel’, ‘Ophelie’, ‘Julietta’]
const duchesses = royals
console.log(royals, duchesses);
royals[3] = ‘Priyana’
updating royals doesn’t update duchesses - again, look at the order of the commands.
slice returns the entire array if you take nothing (royals.slice())
you can concat(duchesses) into an array to put everyone in the same box.
spread just takes the array and shoves the data into said new array.
Objects are a bit different.
const captain = person;
captain.number = 99
a reference to the original
a copy is object.assign({}, person, { number: 99} )
person copies it, and the { number: 99} is now placed into the new object
EMPLOYERS: This is me sharing notes and putting new skills into practice.
All boxes checked between the first and last box you’ve checked, nice.
listen for checkbox activity
(input type - checkbox)
eventlistener for a click (or keyboard ‘click’)
put the first check into a variable. (as let, it’s reassigned constantly)
see if shift key is down.
and if key is down and box is checked, have a blast, do what you want.
“Is the checkbox equal to the one being checked”?
——— Day 12 Code-Nami Press ===> GitHub
An event listener per key (window.addEventListener(‘keyup’,(e) => {
is essentially a very basic keylogger, provided you have access to the victim’s console.
press.push(e.key) actually puts it into the pressed array.
If you put in the proper code, the unicorns pop up. I’d change it, but I like unicorns.
------ Day 14: Copy and Ref ------
Reference vs. Copy
“It’s fundamental to how JS works!” (Tell me if I’ve gotten something mixed up here)
Consider when variables are defined;
let name = ‘Morgan’;
let name2 = name;
console.log(name, name2) = Morgan Morgan
name = ‘Eden’;
console.log(name, name2) = Morgan Eden
consider arrays;
const royals = [‘Elin’, ‘Karel’, ‘Ophelie’, ‘Julietta’]
const duchesses = royals
console.log(royals, duchesses);
royals[3] = ‘Priyana’
updating royals doesn’t update duchesses - again, look at the order of the commands.
slice returns the entire array if you take nothing (royals.slice())
you can concat(duchesses) into an array to put everyone in the same box.
spread just takes the array and shoves the data into said new array.
Objects are a bit different.
const captain = person;
captain.number = 99
a reference to the original
a copy is object.assign({}, person, { number: 99} )
person copies it, and the { number: 99} is now placed into the new object
EMPLOYERS: This is me sharing notes and putting new skills into practice.
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