Today's issue, from my very own LinkedIn page; My Macbook won't connect to certain hotspots - Today, it's my mobile hotspot - with WPA PSK or WPA PSK 2 security settings. WPA/WPA2 are from the year 2003. It's been around a while and has some issues. My Macbook is from the year 2013. My initial thought as simply that my machine was too old and incompatible with the newer standard - This has happened before years ago, with the same security settings. The following is part of my normal network; As you can see, I have security in place that I usually can connect to easily. The reason there's no Transmit Rate is because we still don't have internet restored. This is my Hotspot; I'm not familiar with WiFi country codes, but "X0" isn't pulling up anything when I search it. And here are the settings on my phone; This article says that since the WPA2 PSK key doesn't mention TKIP or AES, it's probably AES. Here...