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Showing posts from October, 2021

Bing Webmaster Tools

  The very large "10 books in 1" tome, "Building Websites (all in one) for Dummies", is something I often peruse late at night. The ways of the Old Web give me comfort. But something caught my eye. 💡 "Submit a sitemap to Google and Bing. Yahoo uses the same search options as Bing, so no need for that." Now, this book is not new (There's a section on how you need to put in some XSS code to be able to take PayPal payments on your Webpress site - Is that still a thing?). So, I thought the idea of sitemaps was long gone. However - sitemaps are still in use today! What is a Sitemap? It's an XML file optimized for search engines to find your website, listing every page on your website. "Spiders" crawl pages to index for search engines. Why Bing? I use Bing for my regular searching on the web. I also submitted my sitemap to Google, as my blog is hosted on their platform and my domain is purchased through them. (I'm not sure it work...

Get in CloudFormation; A Timeline learning IaC for AWS

  Want to share this page easily?  Here's a Notion Page .   A big shoutout to Pluralsight for their free weekend, and James Millar for a great introductory course . For the longest time, I couldn't see how people found this easy, but this helped. (Why did we make up so many programming languages that only work based upon the correct formatting of spaces and tabs? Readability is important, but when you're just beginning, how I learn, I'm interested in 'it works' first and 'it's pretty' second).   The (paid) project: Create an Instance that has basic security rules from a security group it's in. The most difficult part was learning the tool and the formatting. This was much easier in Terraform (Now OpenTofu) for AWS, but this time we wanted to use CloudFormation.   The Numbers: Resources Created: At least 11 VPC MacOSImageID* MacOSInstanceKeyName* InternetGateway PublicInternetRoute VPCGatewayAttachment PublicInternetRouteTable PublicSubnet01 P...