Also posted here . Remember that second hand Chromebook I bought for a client years ago? They upgraded and gave it back, so let's put Linux or Ubuntu on it. I'm going to see if I can put a distro in there and switch between Chrome OS and Linux. It took longer to find the correct package to install than anything else. Out of the proverbial Chrome Development Mode box, it doesn't recognize apt, apt-get, or yum. Nor does it recognize any attempts to install them. The Chromebook's Linux option installs Penguin, the default Linux Container on Chrome OS. It struggled to start, so I deleted the Linux container and tried again with success. Most instructions say to enable your Chromebook’s Developer Mode then open a certain terminal; Instead, I found you enable Linux Penguin through Chrome OS (Easy, check your settings) and use that containerized version. When you do this, Crostini is already installed, which is a more secure form of Crouton. Crouton is outdated. C...